
  • Nino Abesadze Associate Professor, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia ავტორი
  • Natalia Robitashvili Assistant Professor, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia ავტორი
  • Otar Abesadze Assistant Professor, Caucasus University, Georgia ავტორი


საკვანძო სიტყვები:



  Introduction and aim According to the policy towards gender equality, Georgia has become one of the most reformed countries in the Caucasus. Despite the fact that many steps have been taken in this regard, the problems are still in the society. The main objective of the study is to identify and analyze gender imbalances in the country on the background of gender stereotypes in the context of civil cognitive levels.
  Research methodology: In development of the article, generally accepted qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods of the economic science were employed, among them, statistical data processing, data grouping, inductive-deductive data analysis methods. The scientific study employs surveying, observation, as well as comparative, analytical, and graphical methods, which are used by the author to compare and analyze facts and assess solutions to specific issues.
  Results and implications: The paper considers the gender aspects of Discussion of inequality problems in Georgia. Besides, the trends of unemployment and their reasons are identified and the international instruments of protection of human rights regulating the equality between the men and the women in Georgia are considered. In addition, based on the statistical data, is given the analysis of employment and unemployment in a gender respect; a particular accent is made on the need of International practice of gender protection.
  Conclusion: Stereotypical views on gender roles still exist in Georgia: the function of women is the care and upbringing of children, doing homework, and man-taking care of family finances.
  The fact is that more men employed in Georgia than women. The level of inactivity in women is almost twice as high as in men with a similar indicator of 42.0% and 21.8% respectively. In 2017, unemployment rate for women Increased by 1.8 percentage points to 12.7 percent, and for men decreased by 1.6 percentage points and by 15 percent. Changes for to the same period are also indicators of activity level. The level of activity increased reased by 1.5 percentage points for women and decreased by 2.8 percentage points for men and 58.2 percent and 74.6 percent respectively.
  Interesting trends are shown by employment indicators according to age marks. The number of men employed by the 45-54 age group is significantly higher than the number of women employed for the whole nine years, indicating the employment rate of women, especially in the 15-24 age group where the number of men employed is twice as high as the number of women employed.
  It is also true that the average level of compensation for women is lower than men. Their rates of growth are also different.


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გამოქვეყნების ნებართვა

როგორ უნდა ციტირება

SOCIO-ECONOMIC-GENDER DISBALANCES IN GEORGIA. (2023). გლობალიზაცია და ბიზნესი, 4(7), 143-147.
