Business career enables human resources to increase qualification opportunities and become recognizable at the same time. In the course of the research, we got interested what kind of attitude towards career issues was in different age groups. What the manner was by which the career of different generation respondents was managed, what the respondents’ attitude is to the career, how they perceive the career management policies implemented by the executives of the organization. The research was conducted in the «Human Potential Management» laboratory at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 560 respondents participated in the survey. The questionnaire included 32 questions and 125 options for an answer. SPSS statistical software package was used for statistical processing and data analysis.
As a result of the research we have developed the hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1: Age Q3 affects how people are accepted at work Q5.
We used Pearson’s Correlation Analysis to determine the strength of the connection between the variables of this hypothesis. We got the correlation coefficient 0.415. By means of the correlation, it was shown that between these variables there is a moderate positive attitude.
To test the reliability of hypothesis we used Chi-square test that indicates that the statistical significance level P (Sig.) does not exceed 0.001. Accordingly, the first hypothesis is reliable.
According to both indicators, hypothesis 1: Age Q3 affects how people are accepted at work Q5 has been confirmed.
Hypothesis 2: Age Q3 affects working experience Q4.
We used Pearson’s Correlation Analysis to determine the strength of the connection between the variables of this hypothesis. We got the correlation coefficient 0,870 . By means of the correlation, it was shown that between these variables there is a strong positive attitude received as a result of single factor dispersion analysis, it is shown that F=200.3, P= 0.000; P<0.01, i. e. between the groups a statistically significant link is noticed on 0.01 level.
Consequently, the hypothesis 2: Age Q3 affects working experience Q4 has been confirmed.
Hypothesis 3: Age Q3 affects when was the last time you got a promotion Q6.
We used Pearson’s Correlation Analysis to determine the strength of the connection between the variables of this hypothesis. We got the correlation coefficient 0.641. By means of the correlation, it was shown that between these variables there is a moderate positive attitude.
The results of Levene’s statistics, the difference of averages (the same T value) equals to 11.085, the statistical significance level P (Sig.) does not exceed 0.001, i.e. between the vertical and horizontal career growth and career movement of the employed people inside and outside the organization there is a statistically high level of connection on 0.01level.
Consequently, the hypothesis 3: Age Q3 affects when was the last time you got a promotion Q6 has been confirmed.
Hypothesis 4: Age Q3 affects whether you were promoted in a career over the last 5 years? Q12.
We used Pearson’s Correlation Analysis to determine the strength of the connection between the variables of this hypothesis. We got the correlation coefficient 0.122. By means of the correlation, it was shown that between these variables there is a weak positive attitude.
To test the reliability of hypothesis we used Chi-square test that indicates that the statistical significance level P (Sig.) does not exceed 0.001. Accordingly, the first hypothesis is reliable.
Consequently, the hypothesis 4 Age Q3 affects whether you were promoted in a career over the last 5 years has been confirmed
Hypothesis 5: Age Q3 affects whether a person is searching for a job in a parallel mode Q34.
We used Pearson’s Correlation Analysis to determine the strength of the connection between the variables of this hypothesis. We got the correlation coefficient 0.131. By means of the correlation, it was shown that between these variables there is a weak positive attitude.
To test the reliability of hypothesis we used Chi-square test that indicates that the statistical significance level P (Sig.) equal to 0.082. Which means that hypothesis 5 is not reliable.
Consequently, the hypothesis 5 Q3 Age affects whether a person is searching for a job in a parallel mode Q34 has not been confirmed.
Some recommendations were worked out based on the research.
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